u'Public Channel:
Tatakae Industries Public Diplomaci:
AkumaNoYoru or
Grepus SimonovCZ
Tatakae industries je mezihv\u011bzdn\xe1 spole\u010dnost, kter\xe1 vznikla pro boj, t\u011b\u017ebu nerostn\xfdch surovin, obchodu s mnoha komoditami a pln\u011bn\xed \u0161irok\xe9 variety speci\xe1ln\xedch zak\xe1zek. Jsme spole\u010dnost hr\xe1\u010d\u016f, kter\xe1 dr\u017e\xed spolu a navz\xe1jem se kryje.
My\u0161lenka na\u0161\xed korporace vznikla v zapadl\xfdch kancel\xe1\u0159\xedch federa\u010dn\xed lod\u011bnice, kde na\u0161i zakl\xe1daj\xedc\xed \u010dleni vyj\xe1d\u0159ili svou nespokojenost s neschopn\xfdm, ji\u017e b\xfdval\xfdm, veden\xedm, kter\xe9 bralo hodn\u011b, ale d\xe1valo m\xe1lo. Proto vzniklo Tatakae industries jako cesta k nastolen\xed \u0159\xe1du, spr\xe1vn\xe9ho p\u0159\xedstupu k veden\xed korporace a p\u0159ijateln\xfdch dan\xed wink wink.
Pokud se k n\xe1m p\u0159id\xe1\u0161, \u010dek\xe1 t\u011b vysn\u011bn\xe1 kari\xe9ra pilota jako nikde jinde: zaj\xedmav\xe9 zak\xe1zky, finan\u010dn\xed odm\u011bny, a pokud se stane\u0161 esem, tak m\u016f\u017ee\u0161 o\u010dek\xe1vat i vlastn\xed korpora\u010dn\xed lo\u010f
Tatakae industries is an interstellar corporation with an emphasis on battle, mining various ores, trading with a wide range of commodities and fulfilling special contracts. We are a corporation of players that stands united and watches each others\' backs.
Initial thought of our corporation was made in remote offices of federation shipyard, where our founding members relayed their dissapointment with, now former, inept leadership that took a lot, but gave next to none. Due to that, Tatakae industries was founded as a way of establishing order, proper corporation leadership and acceptable taxes wink wink.
If you join us, you can expect a dream career of a pilot like never seen before: exciting contracts, financial rewards and if you become an ace, you can expect your own corporate ship.'